Schedule Product Demos with Calendly Integration your Chatbot

If you have a product that serves customers effectively, it is inevitable that you have a bridge that connects you and your customers.

And when your customers need help with the product, providing product demos is a good choice to apply.

At that point, the matter appears if you use Calendly for your customers. 

Did you know that you can provide more help through your AI chatbot than necessary? 

With the help of your AI chatbot, you can offer an option to schedule product demos through Calendly integration when your customers want more information and answers. 

What you will be doing through the process is highly easy:

  • You should find the triggering action for your AI chatbot.
  • Copy the provided template for activating the AI chatbot to provide a product demo from Calendly.
  • You should connect your AI action with!

Now, you can start building the process!

How to Create an AI Action for Scheduling Product Demos with Calendly

Before starting the process, here is the ready template for scheduling product demos with Calendly on your AI chatbot on

If you are ready to create an AI action for scheduling product demos, here is the time!

1- Sign in to your LiveChatAI account and “Create an AI action” on the AI Actions section of your AI chatbot on the dashboard.

creating an AI action on LiveChatAI's dashboard

2- Then, you need to add a specific condition to trigger your AI chatbot; you can write a simple prompt here.

condition for Calendly integration's AI chatbot

3- The stage is inputs’ now. You need to clarify the inputs and their descriptions to describe the needs of your AI chatbot.

inputs for the AI action of Calendly

Lastly, don’t forget to click “Create.”

4- You can edit your created AI action later on. To find the AI action for the next time, you can check the My AI Actions tab.

created AI action of LiveChatAI for Calendly integration

What you need to pay attention to are:

When you are using the template, there will be some parts that you need to customize with your personal information and your expectations from your AI chatbot.

  • For the first module, you need to connect your LiveChatAI account and your AI chatbot with the AI action ID.
the LiveChatAI module for connecting Calenly
  • For the second one, you need to connect your Calendly account and make the necessary changes for the elements.
Calendly connection for creating a schedling a link
  • Lastly, for the AI action responder on LiveChatAI, you need to write your message for the customers as an answer. You are advised to share your product demo meeting link or the needed details.
LiveChatA modules for AI action responder and the message

That’s all! You’re ready to test your changes and start using your AI chatbot to schedule product demos with your customers.