Chatbot API of LiveChatAI

Your Own Very AI Chatbot with the LiveChatAI API

Chatbot interaction flow diagram showing a client querying order status, server fetching data, and responding with shipment details."

Custom AI Chatbot Solutions

Enhance your AI chatbot’s functionality with easy creation, management, and integration with various data sources.
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Create, delete, or get chat details of your AI chatbot
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Engage with users to monitor dynamic interactions
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Manage knowledge base with endpoints
Reduce ticket volume with instant AI responses.

Chatbot API Benefits

Build your own chatbot or optimize the current AI chatbot with LiveChatAI's Chatbot API.
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Scalable AI chatbot capabilities for business growth
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Configure the AI chatbot details for troubleshooting
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Streamline internal link discovery for user experience
The flow of AI Actions Including Make, Webhook, OpenAPI

Exclusive Chances

Reach comprehensive developer resources to drive innovative performance optimization for your AI chatbot.
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Detailed instructions access
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Technical functionality of AI chatbot
Data sources

Train Knowledge Base & Manage with API

Customize your AI chatbot with your chatbot API and handle replies and conversation details along with valuable lead information.
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Add details for expanding the data source
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Update data sources regularly
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Delete outdated data sources

Frequently asked questions about Chatbot API

How can I access the LiveChatAI API documentation?
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You can access the detailed API Documentation for developers here.
What plans are required to use the LiveChatAI API?
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To use the LiveChatAI API, you need to have either an Advanced or Expert plan.
How do I obtain an API key for the LiveChatAI API?
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After subscribing to an Advanced or Expert plan, navigate to “Your Profile” page under the account settings at top right. Scroll down and find the “API Keys” section to obtain.
Is the LiveChatAI API currently stable?
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The LiveChatAI API is currently in its beta phase. While efforts have been made to ensure stability and functionality, there may be occasional issues or bugs.
What should I do if I encounter issues with the LiveChatAI API?
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For any inquiries, from brief queries to in-depth support needs, our committed support team is readily accessible with just a click. Reach out to us via the widget on our website or send an email to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist you.
How can I add a data source to my chatbot?
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You can add different types of data sources (PDF, Q&A, text, URL) to your chatbot using their respective API endpoints. For example, to add a PDF data source, use POST /api/ai-bot/data-source/pdf.
How can I track and analyze user interactions with my chatbot?
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Use endpoints like GET /api/ai-bot/chat/detail to retrieve detailed interaction data. Analyzing these reports helps you understand user behavior and refine your chatbot’s responses and performance.
How can I customize the chatbot's responses based on different user inputs?
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Customize responses by adjusting the dialogue flow and response patterns through the POST /api/ai-bot/reply endpoint. Manage the chatbot’s behavior by configuring response rules and integrating relevant data sources to handle varied user inputs effectively.
How can I test and debug my chatbot using the API?
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Choose the GET /api/ai-bot/detail endpoint to review your chatbot’s configuration and ensure it aligns with your intended setup. For debugging, monitor the POST /api/ai-bot/reply endpoint's output to verify that responses are generated correctly. Regularly review logs and interaction data to identify and address any issues.
How do I handle multiple chatbots within a single account using the API?
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Manage multiple chatbots by using endpoints such as GET /api/ai-bot/list to retrieve all chatbots associated with your account. You can then use individual endpoints like POST /api/ai-bot/create and DELETE /api/ai-bot/delete to handle each chatbot separately.
How can I manage chatbot interactions across different time zones?
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To manage interactions across different time zones, ensure that your chatbot’s backend supports timezone-aware data. Implement logic in your response handling and base prompt to adjust times and dates based on user time zones.
Can I access historical interaction data through the API for analysis?
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Yes, you can access historical interaction data using endpoints like GET /api/ai-bot/chat/detail to retrieve past conversations. This data can be used to improve chatbot responses.
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AI Chatbot simplified.

GPT-4 Available
Customized AI Bot
Human Handoff Options
Instant Answers
Trained Data API
Automated Customer Support
Tailored AI Bot
Knowledge Sharing
Simple Setup
Cards for your whole team.
API Available
Money Back Guarantee
Reduce Support Volume
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Cards for your whole team.