Create Shopify AI Chatbot for Real-Time Order Status Update

With an AI chatbot on LiveChatAI integrated with Shopify, creating an automated flow for real-time order status updates becomes a straightforward process. 

You can significantly streamline your workflow by smartly handling AI actions with LiveChatAI and Shopify.

Here are the steps to set up real-time order status updates:

1. Determine which customer inputs should initiate the AI action. These could be phrases like "Check my order status," "Where's my order?" or simply inputting an order number.

2. Prepare a chatbot script that responds effectively once the AI action is triggered. This includes acknowledging the request, fetching the data, and explaining the order status.

3. Link these AI actions with Shopify to gain access to real-time order data.

With these steps, your AI chatbot will be equipped to provide real-time order status updates! 

The goal is to create a seamless order-tracking experience for your customers using the power of AI and automation.

How to Create Shopify AI Chatbot for Real-Time Order Status Update

Before starting the process, here is the ready template for getting the weather forecast for any city on your AI chatbot on

Now, let's start!

1. After signing into your LiveChatAI account, go to “AI Actions” tab and choose “Create an AI action”.

creating an AI action on LiveChatAI

2. Then, it is time to write a specified condition for your aim. In this case, you should write a prompt that triggers when a user asks for the order status.

writing conditions for LiveChatAI AI actions

3. To specify, you need to give the input name and input description. Now, click “Create.” 

input details on LiveChatAI AI actions

4. You can edit the details later on while adding new variables. Or, if you wish, you can enter a different fallback message instead of a default one. 

created AI action for order status update with LiveChatAI

If you make changes, please don’t forget to click “Update” to make the changes live.

5. Now, navigate to and use the scenario by changing the values as you like. Adding your personal information on LiveChatAI and Shopify is a must. 

What you need to pay attention to:

When you are using the template, there will be some parts that you need to customize with your personal information and your expectations from your AI chatbot.

We mention the details below:

  • Connect your LiveChatAI account to your first module, and remember that you need to trigger it by running it once with only a message.
the first module of LiveChatAI for order status update on
  • Connect your Shopify account with your personal information, and you’ll be connecting your Shopify account to integrate the Make app.
the Shopify module with the order id on
  • There is a simple default message on the third module, but you can improve the message in a more proper way and with better values.
the third module of a scenario as LiveChatAI with a message

Voila! This is all. You have an order status update AI chatbot in your Shopify store.

Your customers will be more able to get the knowledge more clearly.